7 Side Effects of Rapid Weight Loss

Losing weight is vital if you are overweight since a healthy body weight is necessary for optimal health. However, being thin isn't the only benefit of losing weight. It's all about staying in shape and living a healthy lifestyle. Obesity or being overweight can lead to a variety of health problems. Similarly, losing weight quickly will have a negative impact on your mental and physical well-being. Obesity, for example, can contribute to ailments like hypertension and diabetes. As a result, for obese persons, weight loss may be critical.

People use a variety of strategies to lose weight quickly. Losing weight gradually and over time, on the other hand, is considerably healthier. It is less harmful to one's health than extreme weight loss. Severe weight loss might result in a variety of health issues. It's also difficult to keep up with.

It's common to gain or lose a few pounds during the year. Diet and exercise, on the other hand, are the only ways to lose weight in a healthy way. As a result, if you begin to lose weight rapidly without even attempting, you should see a doctor right once.

What is the difference between drastic and rapid weight loss?

Rapid and dramatic weight loss is defined as losing more than half to one kilogram every week. It has a lot of attraction. However, it may put you at risk of acquiring a variety of health issues. Muscle loss, gallstones, nutritional inadequacies, a sluggish metabolism, and so on are all possibilities.

To lose weight quickly, some follow special diets known as "crash diets." It entails consuming less than 800 calories per day. It can be quite hazardous. At least 1200-1300 calories per day are required for a healthy adult. Our bodies require enough energy to carry out daily tasks without becoming exhausted. We also require it to keep our metabolism in check. Only 800 calories are insufficient to provide the body with the energy it requires.

People believe that eating a calorie-restricted diet is easier to follow than exercising and that it helps them lose weight more quickly. It can assist you in losing weight quickly. However, in such situation, the body begins to lose water and muscle mass, resulting in a variety of issues, including dehydration. Additionally, it may suggest a weight loss overall. This is because the body begins to consume glycogen to meet daily energy requirements. Glycogen is our body's energy reserve. The body uses up muscles when these resources are depleted. As a result, muscle loss outnumbers fat loss. Maintaining rapid weight loss and soon reverting to former lifestyle and eating habits is also difficult. It may also result in the emergence of eating disorders.

Is it Possible to Maintain Rapid Weight Loss?

You can lose weight in a variety of ways. The true issue, though, is maintaining the weight loss and keeping it off. People who follow crash diets may regain half of the weight they lost within a year, according to research. They also have a better likelihood of regaining all of their lost weight after 3-5 years.

1. Muscle Atrophy

The terms "weight loss" and "fat loss" are not interchangeable. Losing weight isn't usually synonymous with losing fat. While a very low-calorie diet (VLCD) can help you lose weight quickly, it can also cause muscle and water loss. A very low-calorie diet, according to study, can cause body mass loss. Additionally, following a VLCD carries various concerns, like as muscle loss.

2. Metabolic Alterations

In order to lose weight, you must increase your metabolic activity. The number of calories you burn each day is determined by your metabolism. Furthermore, metabolism aids in the conversion of food into energy. As a result, having a quick metabolism aids in the burning of more calories, resulting in rapid weight loss.

According to a study, decreasing weight by eating less calories can result in a 23 percent reduction in daily calorie expenditure. This is due to a decrease in metabolic rate in your body. It could be due to a shift in hormonal balance. In addition, a lower metabolic rate leads to weight gain.

3. Deficiencies in Nutrients

People who are trying to lose a lot of weight usually skip meals, which leads to vitamin shortages. Consuming vital minerals like folate, B12, and iron when on a low-calorie diet might be difficult. Fatigue, hair loss, anemia, weakening bones, and poor immunological function are all symptoms of a nutritional shortage. As a result, to make up for these inadequacies, you should eat more uncooked, raw foods. In severe cases, you may need to complement your diet with supplements. However, you should not begin supplementing without first consulting a dietician.

4. The Formation of Gallstones

Gallstones are stone-like structures that form in the gallbladder due to undissolved cholesterol. They might induce severe abdominal discomfort and cramps. According to study, losing a lot of weight in a short period of time can contribute to gallstone production. The gallbladder is a digestive organ that aids in the digestion of fatty foods. These digestive secretions produce gallstones when you don't eat enough food.

5. Dehydration is number five

Rapid weight loss is frequently due to a reduction in water weight or a loss of water weight. Diets that help you lose weight quickly, according to study, might cause severe dehydration. It will induce the following symptoms:

  • Discomfort
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Constipation

It can also lead to serious complications such as kidney stones or a reduction in kidney function.

6. Imbalance of electrolytes

To keep running smoothly, the human body adapts to slight changes on a regular basis. However, any drastic shift could interfere with the body's response to biological stress, particularly electrolyte balance.

Electrolytes are essential for the proper functioning of the body. They assist in the contraction and relaxation of muscles, as well as the regulation of heartbeats. Sudden dietary changes might disrupt mineral intake and electrolyte balance. It has the potential to cause cardiovascular problems and put other organs at danger. The heart, on the other hand, is in grave danger. As a result, an electrolyte imbalance caused by rapid weight loss raises the risk of a heart attack.

7. Tiredness

Following a crash diet can assist you in losing weight quickly. However, the body's ability to function normally is hampered by the extreme calorie deficit. It can make you feel really tired. As a result, fainting under minimal stress may become more likely. Other signs and symptoms include:

  • Irritability
  • I'm becoming cold.
  • Muscle spasms
  • Dizziness


It may also compel you to return to your old diet. As a result, maintaining your weight loss will be difficult.

Rapid Weight Loss Causes

Some people lose weight on purpose in order to improve their health. There are, however, a variety of reasons for rapid weight loss. Some of these elements will cause you to lose weight without even attempting to. The following are some of the causes:

Eating Illnesses

An eating disorder can result in significant weight loss. Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are two examples of eating disorders. People who suffer from these diseases are obsessed with having a model-like figure. As a result, people go to extremes to lose weight. It may, however, cause difficulties such as vomiting or passing feces after a meal. It causes rapid weight loss, however it is harmful to one's health.

Symptoms of Disease

Drastic weight loss might also be caused by underlying health issues. Tuberculosis, HIV infection, and kidney failure, for example, cause rapid weight loss. As a result, it is critical to have regular checkups. It is also critical to eat a balanced diet. If you have any of these symptoms, see a doctor and follow his or her advice.

Diseases of the Metabolism

A messed-up metabolism might also lead to rapid weight loss. This is common in people with hyperthyroidism. In such cases, it is critical to seek medical advice. Also, take your meds exactly as directed. Weight loss can also be caused by changes in quantity.


Certain thyroid medications, chemotherapy, and amphetamines can cause weight loss. This is because they suppress your appetite or cause biological functions to be disrupted. As a result, you will lose weight quickly.

Abuse of Substances

Weight loss occurs as a result of narcotic use due to loss of appetite and dehydration. Furthermore, consuming medicines reflects a sedentary lifestyle. You may lose weight and have poor overall health if you live an unhealthy lifestyle.

Weight Loss That Is Safe

In the long run, losing weight slowly is healthy. People follow very low-calorie diets in order to lose weight quickly. Very low-calorie diets, however, may not be sustainable, according to a study. However, by progressively reducing calorie consumption, you can achieve healthy weight loss. To avoid any harm to your health, you should, of course, do it under the supervision of a dietician.

According to research, developing healthy eating habits can help you lose weight gradually. It also aids in the long-term maintenance of a healthy weight. Some healthy habits you can acquire include eating more fruits and vegetables and minimizing your usage of fizzy drinks and alcoholic beverages.

Healthy Weight Loss Suggestions

The healthier option is to lose weight slowly and steadily. It has a better success rate when it comes to weight loss. Here are a few suggestions to help you lose weight at a healthy rate.

Increase your protein intake

A high-protein diet can help you lose weight by accelerating your metabolism. Furthermore, it keeps you fuller for longer without causing muscle loss. According to study, eating a high-protein diet can help you lose weight in the long run. It may also aid in the maintenance of fat-free bulk.

Include more fiber in your diet

Weight loss can be aided by including soluble fibre in your diet. It aids in the reduction of excess cholesterol and the avoidance of food cravings. Fibre also aids digestion and facilitates bowel movement.

Reduce your intake of refined carbohydrates

Carbohydrates, such as sugar and starch, are a type of carbohydrate. For healthy weight loss, a low-carbohydrate diet is recommended. However, it is critical not to limit them entirely. Incorporate the appropriate carbohydrates into your diet. Complex carbohydrates, for example, help with weight loss since they take longer to digest. They're found in oats, wheat, and other whole grains. Refined carbs, on the other hand, contribute to unhealthy weight growth.

Slowly eat

Chewing your food thoroughly aids in the breakdown of the food. Binge eating and eating too quickly, on the other hand, can lead to excessive food consumption. Instead, take your time and eat with smaller dishes. It will assist you in regulating your portion amounts.

Green Tea is a type of tea that is used

Green or oolong tea can aid in the improvement of your body's metabolism. It's vital to keep in mind that this isn't a fat-melting method. It does, however, assist the body in burning more calories. It accomplishes this by enhancing metabolism. Furthermore, it contains antioxidants, which are beneficial to your overall health.

Obtain Enough Rest

A disrupted sleep cycle might cause ghrelin, a hunger hormone, to rise. It also lowers leptin levels, which is the hormone that makes you feel full. As a result, lack of sleep can lead to increased hunger, making weight loss more difficult.

Workout with Weights

Weight lifting is a form of resistance training. Lifting weights isn't just about gaining muscle mass. It also aids in the burning of calories. It also aids in the prevention of muscle loss. Make weight exercises a part of your regular regimen. For better direction, seek the assistance of a professional trainer.

Include HIIT workouts in your routine.

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a type of exercise that incorporates a brief yet intensive cycle of activities. It aids in the promotion of anaerobic activity in the body, which results in calorie burn. HIIT usually entails performing a superset of three to four high-intensity workouts for 30 to 40 seconds without stopping. Beginners, on the other hand, can take pauses in between.


Weight loss is a hot topic these days, and it's especially important for overweight people. However, how you lose weight and how long it takes matters. Obese or overweight people should lose weight in order to enhance their health. It protects against a variety of metabolic illnesses, including hypertension, diabetes, and many more. It is, nevertheless, critical to lose weight at a consistent rate.

Rapid weight loss has negative health consequences. Although a calorie deficit is necessary, you should do so with the assistance of a dietician. Diets that are self-planned may result in unhealthful weight loss. In addition, the first step is to consume healthy foods and engage in physical activity. The second step is to avoid junk food. To reduce weight, implement easy lifestyle and dietary modifications. HealthifyMe's professional nutritionists can help you create a personalized food plan.