How to Get Started With Walking Workouts: An Absolute Beginner’s Guide

You're all set to start walking on a regular basis. Is it simply a matter of getting there and putting one foot in front of the other?

While this is the core of it, there are some nuances to starting a walking program that will help ensure you do so safely and in a way that maximizes the benefits you receive.

"One of the best things about walking as a form of exercise is that almost everyone does it." "It's simply a matter of increasing the amount, and in most cases, the speed of your walking," says walking coach Dave McGovern, 15-time US Champion racewalker and author of The Complete Guide to Competitive Walking, of turning a common practice into a workout.

Whether you're already physically active or just getting started, here's what you need to know about starting a walking program, including how to set the right pace, safety precautions, and putting together a training plan that's right for you.

Choose Your Own Pace

Every step you take counts toward your physical activity, according to Amanda Paluch, PhD, an assistant professor of physical activity, epidemiology, and kinesiology at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst. Increasing your walking pace and duration, on the other hand, is how you can use walking to really boost your fitness.

She suggests aiming for moderate intensity, also known as low-intensity steady-state (LISS) exercise: "This is an effort in which your heart rate and breathing rate are slightly elevated." You can talk but not sing, which is a good indicator."

Get the Right Gear: When it comes to walking, the right shoes are essential.

One of the best things about walking workouts is that no special clothing or equipment is required. Having said that, shoes are one of the most important components. "Although you won't need special shoes for easier walks versus more brisk walking," McGovern says, "you should look for a low-heeled running shoe." A lower heeled shoe aids your forward motion. "Think racing flats over thicker-soled trainers," he advises.

Carrie Boyle, a walking coach with the virtual walking program 99 Walks and a NASM-certified personal trainer, recommends going to your local running store, where an associate can assess your gait and help fit you with the appropriate shoe, if you have questions about what shoes are best for you.

As for what to wear, Boyle says there's no need to buy a new walking outfit unless you want to because it feels inspiring or motivating. Otherwise, go through your closet and pull items that are comfortable, breathable, and can be layered depending on the weather. Cotton fabrics appeal to her because they are breathable.

Walking Safety Recommendations

It is critical to keep yourself safe while out walking. According to McGovern, here are five safety checks to perform before every walk:

Please leave your earbuds at home. "I understand that a lot of walkers like to listen to music while training," McGovern says, adding that he discourages this when walking outside. "When training outside, staying aware of your surroundings is critical to staying safe." He claims that it is distracting and makes it more difficult to hear approaching cars, animals, or people.

Step in the right direction. You're not a car, you're a person, so walk in the opposite direction of traffic, advises McGovern.

Carry identification. McGovern recommends the Road iD, a metal tag that you can personalize with information such as your name, city, state, emergency contacts, allergies, and medical history and attach to a band or fitness tracker. The Road Runners Club of America recommends storing your driver's license in a running belt, secure pocket, or cellphone case. arrow to the right, up

Make your habits known to others. If someone is home, mention your walking route, and in general, share your walking routes with friends and family. "Avoid unpopulated areas, deserted streets, overgrown trails, and unlit streets," McGovern adds.

Make yourself known. Wear reflective clothing or shoes if you walk before dawn, during, or after dusk, advises McGovern. Light-up vests and armbands are also available for increased visibility. Wear bright colors at all times of day to make yourself more visible to drivers, bikers, and others on your route.

Warm Up Before You Begin Your Walking Workout

What is the best warm-up for a walk? Walking. "In most cases, you can warm up by simply walking at a slower pace at the start of your workout and gradually increasing to a faster pace," McGovern says.

He recommends a few dynamic flexibility drills, such as leg swings (stand and hold onto something while swinging one leg in front and then behind you), hip circles, and walking toe touches, if you plan on walking at a fast pace. The idea is to introduce some gentle movement to the muscles and joints that will be used during your workout.

A Four-Week Walking Training Program

If you're new to walking workouts, the first step is to establish a baseline.

Dr. Paluch recommends wearing a step counter for a few days to determine the average number of steps you take per day. You can then gradually increase this by 1,000 steps per day, eventually reaching 7,000 to 10,000 steps per day. (Why such a large sum? Her research discovered that taking 7,000 steps per day was associated with a lower risk of death when compared to those who took fewer steps, with benefits plateauing at 10,000 steps per day.) right now arrow

If you don't want to track steps, Paluch recommends focusing on duration. She suggests beginning with 10-minute walks on most days of the week and gradually increasing the duration of those walks by 5 to 10 minutes per walk per week. According to her, the goal would be to walk 150 to 300 minutes per week.

Boyle recommends scheduling at least one rest or active rest day per week for recovery.

Here, pay attention to your body. If you feel you need a full day off from physical activity, Boyle recommends using the time you would otherwise spend walking to do something for yourself, such as meditate, read a book, or cook. She defines active recovery as "doing a lighter version of the activity or a complementary activity." That could mean going for a slow walk where the goal isn't to raise your heart rate, or doing some gentle yoga or light swimming.

So, over the course of four weeks, your walking workout schedule would be as follows:

Week 1 

Day 1: Take a 10-minute walk.

Day 2: Take a 10-minute walk.

Day 3: Take a 10-minute walk.

Day 4: Take a 10-minute walk.

Day 5: Take a 10-minute walk.

Day 6: Rest or cross-training

Day 7: Take a 10-minute walk.

*The rest or cross-training day can be scheduled on any day that works best for you.

Week 2 

Day 1: Take a 15-minute walk.

Day 2: Walk for 15 minutes.

Day 3: Take a 15-minute walk

Day 4: Take a 15-minute walk

Day 5: Walk for 15 minutes.

Day 6: Rest or cross-training

Day 7: Take a 15-minute walk

Week 3

Day 1: Take a 20-minute walk.

Day 2: Take a 20-minute walk

Day 3: Take a 20-minute walk

Day 4: Take a 20-minute walk

Day 5: Take a 20-minute walk

Day 6: Rest or cross-training

Day 7: Take a 20-minute walk

Week 4 Day 1: Take a 25-minute walk.

Day 2: Walk for 25 minutes.

Day 3: Walk for 25 minutes.

Day 4: Walk for 25 minutes.

Day 5: Take a 25-minute walk

Day 6: Rest or cross-training

Day 7: Take a 25-minute walk